Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
There's Something Missing From Our Youth Group.....
Our youth pastor preached AWESOME..... He preached on there is something missing from our youth group. If u were not there u missed out on it... The Holy Ghost was in the Fireplace. It swept in there so fast... When I was praying God told me that I don't need to come to church for my friends, I need 2 come for him.. And he told me that I need to be the Leader I'm suppose to be. And stop letting my past predict my future and let people talk the mess and don't worry bout them. That preaching was AWESOME n I will never forget it. You are AWESOME JOE!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Sammy Raquel at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Moment of Silences For our Troops
'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.'
Prayer Request: When you read this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world. Just Pray . Do not let it stop with you. Of all the gifts you could give a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, & others deployed in harm's way, prayer is the very best one.
Posted by Sammy Raquel at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Samantha's Thought's DO I BELEIVE????
Well it's Sunday July 2oth, 2008 and half of the year is almost gone... And this one of my favorite preachers preached this morning at my church..... Bro. Doug Morgan.Well there is so much stuff that has been going on in my life, and instead of going to the WORLD for what I need I can go to a place that I know that i can get a renewing everytime that I go to church.....DO I BELIEVE?????YES I DO!!!!! So I have made this at the beginning of the year and I told myslef that I was goin to be a BETTER person n the message this morning's message was AWESOME!!!! Bro.Morgan I THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SOOO MUCH.. YOU HAVE TAUGHT ME ALOT AND I THANK YOU!!!!!
Posted by Sammy Raquel at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
"It is common sense to take a method and try it. f it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something."
"Let us unite in banishing[getting rid of] fear... Together we cannot fail."
" I never forgot that I live in a house owned by all the American people and that i have been given their trust."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt-
Posted by Sammy Raquel at 2:05 PM 0 comments